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Grades 6-12 Religious School Enrollment 2023-2024
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Grades 6-8 - Mondays – 4:30 – 6:15 p.m.
Optional dinner 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Our middle school program focuses on B'nai Mitzvah and beyond. Students in Grade 6 dive deeply into preparation with learning and practicing prayers, exploring the meaning of the milestone, and sharing personal thoughts and reflections. In Grade 7 and 8 students have an opportunity to delve into topics through a Jewish lens, learn about the Holocaust, and ways they can personally contribute in social justice.
Dinner Option: Grades 6-12 from 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Cost - $190 for the year
If you would like for your child to attend dinner, please register on the form.
9-12 - Midrasha - Mondays - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Optional Dinner 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Midrasha is a weekly program on Monday evenings that is intended to frame the start of the week in a stress free atmosphere that encourages community building and personal growth. We understand that students cannot attend every week for the entire time and are flexible with the schedule and the attendance. Midrasha focuses on personal identity, current events, and ethical dilemmas through a Jewish lens. Classes are generally discussion style with student input into topics and modes of learning in the class.
Grades 7-12 – Additional Teen Involvement
Activities include small group activities that take place on Sundays including teen internship training (for those who work in TBA classrooms and other areas of TBA weekly), Rosh Hodesh (girls group), and Shevet (boys group), along with other creative options based on student interest. These groups meet approximately once a month.
Child First Name
Child Last Name
Child's Hebrew Name
This is for students in grades 6 & 7.
Child Date of Birth
With whom does your child(ren) reside?
Grade as of September 2023
Please Select One
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
In case of emergency and parents can't be reached, please notify the following person:
Emergency Contact Name
Relationship to Child
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please provide the best number to reach your emergency contact.
If your child is in grades 8-12, will they be attending Midrasha on Mondays?
Please Select One
Grades 7-12 – Additional Teen Involvement Activities include small group activities that take place on Sundays including teen internship training (for those who work in TBA classrooms and other areas of TBA weekly), Rosh Hodesh (girls group), and Shevet (boys group), along with other creative options based on student interest. These groups meet approximately once a month. See your email for more information.
Teen Internship for grades 7-12
Rosh Hodesh/Shevet for grades 8-11
Grades 7-12 – Teen Internship Options. Please check all those that you are interested in.
Sunday Classroom Assistant (9:30-11 weekly)
Monday Afternoon Classroom Assistant (4:30-6:15 weekly) - Grades 9-12 only
Wednesday Afternoon Classroom Assistant (3:30-5:30 weekly)
Early Childhood Programs Assistant (varies - approximately 1 x a month)
Technology Assistant (varies - provide assistance for services and events)
Office Assistant (varies - based on your schedule)
Monday Dinner Option
You may register your child for dinner for the year below. Dinner is $190 per child for the year.
Dinner Option
Please Select One
Yes, please sign my child up for dinner.
It is extremely important that you provide us with the following information for your child in order that we may best meet his or her individual needs. For any questions that are not applicable for your child, please write in “none".
How would you describe your child? What would you like us to know about them?
Does your child have any allergies?
Does your child require an Epi-Pen? If so, please note Epi-pens are required to be left at Temple Beth Avodah.
Please Select One
Yes, I will bring an Epi-Pen for my child to be kept at TBA. Epi-pens are required to be left at Temple Beth Avodah.
My child does not have any allergies
Are there any medical issues about which we should be aware (i.e. allergies, activity restrictions or any other medical issues)?
Does your child take any medications on an ongoing or regular basis?
Please Select One
My child does not take any medications on a regular basis
If your child take any medications on an ongoing or regular basis, please list each medication below. If this is not applicable to your child, please write in "none" Please list the reason for the medication and any side effects we should be aware of.
Does your child have any specific learning style challenges? If your child has an IEP or specialized Learning Plan at school, please make a note of it and we will follow up. It is imperative that we have this information to help your child have a successful experience at TBA. All information we receive will be kept confidential. If this question is not applicable to your child, please write in "none".
Are there any social/emotional matters TBA Religious School should know about to help make your child's experience in our Religious School successful? If this question is not applicable to your child, please write in "none".
I give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed for publicity and/or participation in an organized fundraising activity at any time and without prior notification from Temple Beth Avodah Religious School?
Please Select One
By typing my name below I hereby constitute that this is my electronic signature for legal purposes.
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Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785